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Be Jeremy’s Legs: Slava’s story

The Rally Cry

The “Feetar”

Be Jeremy’s Legs

Years ago, Jeremy’s youngest brother Brett took a black marker and wrote the words, “Be Jeremy’s Legs” on his arms before cross country races. These three words were a gripping reminder to honor his paralyzed brother and to spur his teammates onward to give it all they had in the race. Although the marker has long since faded, the rallying cry still remains strong to this day.

Be Jeremy’s Legs is a tangible, physical way we can help carry out Jeremy’s mission – the mission of every believer in Christ. And that is to shine Christ’s hope into a hurting and dark world. We do this by sharing the gospel (the good news) through our words and actions as Jeremy did and does. We are to live with a sense of urgency. To live with eternity in view, knowing that we are not guaranteed our next breath. May we not seek to build up and find comfort in our “little kingdoms” on Earth but rather live lives that seek to further THE kingdom of Heaven. The war is waging and eternity is at stake.